
Erika Carr Ogden Utah Cancer​

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Erika Carr Ogden’s Journey: A Story of Love, Support, and Strength

After a two-year fight with terminal disease, Erika Carr Ogden Utah Cancer​ who created a GoFundMe page for her own funeral, passed away.

According to her cousin Angelique Rivera, Erika Diarte-Carr, 30, passed away on Friday. Carr, a single mother, raised two children in Ogden, some 40 miles north of Salt Lake City: Jeremiah, 7, and Aaliyah, 5.

She is now on the opposite side from her mother Sylvia, brother JJ, and uncles Chava and Loui. It was a long and difficult battle for her. “She persevered for as long as she could for her children because she was strong,” Rivera posted on Facebook.




On May 7, 2022, Carr was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer after medical professionals discovered that some of her tumors had spread throughout her body.

Erika Carr Ogden Utah Cancer​ Dies After Raising

Last month, 30-year-old Erika Diarte-Carr said that she was using GoFundMe to raise money for both her children’s future and her own burial costs. On Saturday, October 12, her cousin made the announcement that Carr had died.

This is the last update I will be providing for my cousin Erika, and I do so with sadness. Her Facebook message started, “She has joined her mother Sylvia, her brother JJ, and her uncles Chava & Loui on the other side.”

Erika Carr Ogden Utah Cancer​

She battled a long and difficult struggle. She was resilient and clung to her children for as long as she could. I’m sure she was incredibly grateful for all of your prayers, love, and support.

Aaliyah, age five, and Jeremiah, age seven, were Carr’s only children. Her “whole life, light and soul … and what keeps [her] going” is how she described them.

Utah mother diagnosed with Stage 4 small cell lung cancer

According to her GoFundMe page, Carr received a diagnosis of Stage 4 small cell lung cancer on May 7, 2022, which she described as a “high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma.” She had been fighting for her life for more than two years when she received her diagnosis the day before Mother’s Day.

“You’re going to need a good support system at home because you have a long and hard journey ahead of you,” the doctors said to her.

Positive scans indicated that her condition had improved, allowing her to halt treatment and monitor her development. She experienced the onset of Cushing’s syndrome on January 17, 2024, an uncommon hormonal condition brought on by prolonged exposure to excessive cortisol. Her body had numerous challenging effects, such as rapid weight gain and swelling, bone and muscle degradation, high blood pressure, and Type 2 diabetes.

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